Only Records – Izdavačka kuća


Employees feat. DeMonicka – As if i never

Pop rock pjesma “As if i never” novi je singl benda Employees, a nastala je u suradnji s pjevačicom i autoricom DeMonickom, pravim imenom Monica Ferens, iz Poljske. Za glazbu su se pobrinuli Employees (Fran Vrsalović i Ika Matančević), a odličan tekst napisala je DeMonicka. Pjesma govori o udaljavanju dvoje zaljubljenih jedno od drugog te ponašanja kao da ta veza nikad nije ni postojala. Singl je dobro prihvaćen u Poljskoj pa se dečki nadaju da će ga prihvatiti i publika kod nas. A biti će dostupan i na itunes-u, deezer-u, shazam-u te ostalim servisima.

O pjesmi i dečkima iz Employees DeMonicka, koja trenutno radi na svom novom albumu “Raconteur”, je rekla:

“I had a pleasure to work with the band Employees and I very much enjoyed the collaboration. We worked on a song we named “As If I Never”. It’s a pop-rock song about drifting apart and having the ex-lover acting as if the relationship has never happened. The band had a very professional attitude to work, giving specific and clear ideas about the mutual project. They were very respectful towards me and my work, so I naturally gave the same and made sure the lyrics and melody were great. The Employees deserve much success with their music and passion and when the occassion arises, I’m looking forward to working with them again.”

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