Only Records – Izdavačka kuća


Employees feat. Angela Lee Cuello – Respect

Dvojac iz grupe Employees ima novi singl, skladbu pod nazivom Respect. Autori glazbe su oni sami Fran Vrsalović i Ika Matančević dok tekst potpisuje iznimno talentirana pjevačica i reperica iz Urugvaja Angela Lee Cuello. Pjesama Respect jedan je od singlova na prvom albumu dua Employees, na kojem gostuju brojni mladi glazbenici iz Njemačke, Južne Koreje, Urugvaja, Indije… Pored Respect na albumu se nalazi i pjesma Ona zna kojom su se dečki i predstavili široj javnosti te još 8 autorskih skladbi, a u izdanju labela Only Entertainment.

O suradnji s Employees i samoj pjesmi Angela Lee je izjavila

“When Employees offered me a collaboration i was going through wonders, they said “We are not thinking about supporting you, we are doing it. We are not thinking about working on it, we are already on that”. I never thought that Employees would surprise me by appearing and saying “Yes! We have what you want and we want what you have”.

That was exactly what i was looking for as an artist, some Respect 😉

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